Tag Archives: Wolf and Gypsy Vintage


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Filed under Antiques, fashion, Vintage, Wardrobe

New stock!


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Filed under Antiques, fashion, Handbags, Vintage, Wardrobe

This week…

This week has been so full of Uni work. I’ve nearly finished off my last essay before Easter though… Y.E.S. This weekend has been named ‘do nothing’ weekend, my brain has not shut off for the past couple of weeks, and now my mind is mush and sometimes I can’t even get out my words!? Pastel fever has struck at Wolf & Gypsy, above you can see the result of  how extreme the fever/love is! Also new stock is going to be in store the 1st week of April, Y.E.S Y.E.S Y.E.S. I have also gone slightly mental for ‘flatforms’, you may see my most recent ‘flatform’ purchase in the above photo….H&M for £25, bargain!

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Filed under fashion, Film, love, Vintage, Wardrobe

Monki World

on Monki.



Wolf and Gypsy Vintage are featured in the latest Monki World video, thanks to Eleanor Hardwick. She also took these amazing photos using the fantastic handmade Mexican dress she bought. Me and my Christmas jumper have a leading roll in wrapping the dress…Follow the ‘on Monki Link’ to watch the video!! you can also find the rest of the photo set on rookiemag.com


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Filed under Antiques, fashion, love, Vintage, Wardrobe

Wolf and Gypsy Vintage

Lovely New Stock Online..

Wolf and Gypsy Vintage Online!!

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Filed under fashion, love, Vintage, Wardrobe

Some Recent Purchases..

Now I have to take into account food and rent over clothes I have to become creative and sparing with the way I spend my money. So.. Charity shops it is, luckily I have a decent little row of shops that are a treasure chest just waiting to be opened! The above photos are some of my recent finds (apart from the coat I got from Wolf and Gypsy- Re-worked Vintage Millitary jacket!) :

  • Chinese jacket- We have some of these for sale in W&G and they had never really come to my attention before, but they look so nice on with a pair of jeans and simple t-shirt. I found this one in oxfam and it’s reversible, the colours on both sides are so vivid, I will also use it to layer up in winter.
  • Cardigan- It speaks for itself really, a nice comfy granny cardi. The little pattern along the hems are really sweet and it will go with anything! I found this in help the aged for £1.99 and i’m fairly sure I won’t be taking it off.
  • Horse Belt- How good is this belt!? I found it in help the aged ( has to be my favourite of the local charity shops!) and snapped it up straight away, I have to put some more holes in it as it’s rather large, but it’s a great find.
  • Blue Bakelite Bangle- Yes that is right.. BAKELITE, I found this in (yet again) Help the aged and didn’t let it out of my grasp untill I got to the till! It’s really beautifully carved and the colour is just perfect. for 50p it has to be favourite recent find.
  • The Records- ‘The Boswell Sisters’ & ‘Dolly Parton- Jolene’ two amazing records that I haven’t stopped playing since I got them!

All of this I have bought for under £10 from charity shops and I think that’s my shopping craving out of the way! so now I will get back to weekly shopping and saving for the shelves we need for the flat.

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Filed under Antiques, fashion, love, Music, Vintage, Wardrobe

New Job


I haven’t been able to get to a computer for a while, so sorry for the lack of posts.

 I got a new wonderful job at my favourite Vintage shop in Brighton- Wolf & Gypsy, I had my first day the other day and it was just lovely, team W&G are so welcoming and nice. And the stock, oh my gosh the stock is to die for! gorgeous clothes, with something for everyone (the men’s section is amazing & the record shop upstairs is awesome!) all of the stock is handpicked and the price points are perfect. I could gush for a while, but you should just come in and say ‘HIYAZ’ or have a look online!

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Filed under Antiques, fashion, Handbags, love, Vintage, Wardrobe