Monthly Archives: January 2012

Recently I have noticed a rising amount of people taking ‘fashion’ too seriously, ‘you can’t wear that’, ‘you can wear this’, ‘Oh god, you’re not going to wear that are you!?’ etc. How boring!? I for one, thrive on seeing people enjoy what their wearing and not taking it seriously. Working in a Vintage shop in Brighton means I get to see wonderfully different people step through the door, and you can tell the people who are happy and comfortable in what they are fashioning. Japanese girls have always been a big influence on how I dress, wearing what makes you happy and having fun with it! I think people are forgetting to do this, and by not doing this, have ended up all looking the same. I don’t judge anyone on what they’re wearing, but it is slightly disheartening to see a wave of exactly the same ‘looks’, when it could be a crowd of happy looking people having fun and not taking everything so seriously!

This is a completely Inane post, I mainly just wanted to post some pictures of amazing looking, fashionable, fun, Japanese girls!


Filed under fashion, Film, love, Vintage

Summer Colours

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Filed under Antiques, fashion, Film, love, Music, Vintage

I would like to go back to Paris, please..

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Filed under love

This Week..

All in all it’s been a good past week, got one of my essays done, saw some of my nearest and dearest, did a bit of shopping and ate some good food! all the ingredients to a nice week, the above photos document some of this. This week should be  just as good, half way through my second essay and already seen some of my best people!

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Filed under fashion, Film, love, Vintage, Wardrobe

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Filed under fashion, love, Wardrobe

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Filed under Antiques, love

Prada Fall/Winter 2012 Menswear

I love the Prada menswear show, of course the use of some of the best and most awesome looking actors is ingenious. But the clothes are amazing as well, I love the hints of Oscar Wilde, 1920s summer holidays, Bondage, and a hint of steam punk. The shearling coats are so nice and the sunglasses look so good, oh sometimes I really am jealous of men and the clothes they can wear!

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Filed under Antiques, fashion, Film, love, Wardrobe

My sister takes Photos..

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Filed under fashion, Film, love, Vintage, Wardrobe

This Week..

This week it was back to uni and normal life, except I have felt like a mucus filled shell of myself for the past two weeks. Excellent. I’m feeling much better now though, and I think just getting on with it helped. The above pictures are just a few from Instagram from this week, Ben had to go to a wedding last Saturday.. he looks so Dapper in his suit and Redwings. The last photo is very important, the best Burrito I’ve experienced…. delivered to my work, and only £3! I inhaled it. it’s from a new place that has opened in Brighton, near the Old steine-

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Filed under fashion, Film, love, Music, Vintage, Wardrobe

Film Camera

Some photos I took over the festive period, I’m going to start taking more photos this year I forgot how much I enjoy it.

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Filed under Film, love, Music