Tag Archives: christmas

Film Camera

Some photos I took over the festive period, I’m going to start taking more photos this year I forgot how much I enjoy it.

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Filed under Film, love, Music

Merry Christmas!!

Christmas day was so nice, I did nothing but watch crap T.v, spent time with the family and ate twice over my body weight. How it’s supposed to be. I got utterly spoilt and got over excited about the presents I gave people (I go way over the top), you can see some of the presents I received in the above photos!Ā 

More family time on Boxing day with 17 members of family eating at my mums, I enjoyed a few bottles of champagne dealing with this. I love my family and friends, and I so enjoy slobbing out with them and doing nothing but enjoying their company, Favourable mention to Ben who is always amazing at putting up with me at this time of year.. and finding me a Gizmo Kigu suit!

Now back to Normal life, and getting down and dirty with some essays for University.

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Filed under Antiques, fashion, Film, Handbags, love

The Week Before Christmas..

The week before Christmas was lovely, except coming down with a horrible cold/cough that’s trying to kill me slowly. Having friends come and visit mine and Ben’s is always a joy, cheese boards, crap TV and snacks is how we entertain.

Also Me and my Beautiful Best friend got matching promise rings for each other, new life partner….

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Filed under Film, love

This week..

This week has mainly consisted of… eating SO much good food, wrapping presents, staying warm, and seeing some really lovely people. This coming week will consist of exactly the same, with Christmas day at the end of the week!! Excited.

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Filed under Film, love

Hello! Nearly finished uni for Christmas, handed in my first essay, and it’s time to get festive! Very Happy about all of this.

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This Weekend

I have just had the best weekend, It consisted of really not doing much. Saturday – Christmas shopping Done! Getting our first joint Christmas tree, decorating said Christmas tree and front room – So happy with it! Wrapping presents and getting take away pizza, Perfect Saturday in my opinion. Sunday was even Lazier, watching around 6 films, hardly moving from the sofa, apart from getting snacks and cooking breakfast, wrapping more presents, eating the cheese board, comfys and fire on. In my opinion that is what a good weekend is, Being Lazy and Christmasy with my Favourite.


Filed under Film, love, Music

Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree…

I can’t wait any longer ( 5 days into the month..) our first Christmas tree will be going up at some point this week. I’m so excited!!

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Christmas Disposable photos..

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Bye Bye Christmas jumper. Hello Short hair!

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I have been fairly awful at uploading/taking outfit posts, this is mainly due to me being lazy/forgetting and the camera being dead!

So the above two are fairly shabby quality, but you get the idea- layers, layers & more layers. The 1st photo is the outfit i wore on christmas day, all Christmas prezzies (of course!)- Lovely cardi from urban outfitters from my sister, sweet dress from miss selfridge from my mum & my new Gucci belt also from my mum! The 2nd photo is something i wore on christmas eve, i think!? lots of gold and the scarf that seems to haveĀ been adopted from my dad by me and my sister!

I took lots of photos over christmas that i need to get developed, so there is a big photo post coming soon. I really hope everyone had a lovely christmas!

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Filed under fashion, Vintage, Wardrobe