Daily Archives: December 28, 2011

Merry Christmas!!

Christmas day was so nice, I did nothing but watch crap T.v, spent time with the family and ate twice over my body weight. How it’s supposed to be. I got utterly spoilt and got over excited about the presents I gave people (I go way over the top), you can see some of the presents I received in the above photos! 

More family time on Boxing day with 17 members of family eating at my mums, I enjoyed a few bottles of champagne dealing with this. I love my family and friends, and I so enjoy slobbing out with them and doing nothing but enjoying their company, Favourable mention to Ben who is always amazing at putting up with me at this time of year.. and finding me a Gizmo Kigu suit!

Now back to Normal life, and getting down and dirty with some essays for University.

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Filed under Antiques, fashion, Film, Handbags, love

It’s a Sabbath Day..

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Filed under love, Music

The Week Before Christmas..

The week before Christmas was lovely, except coming down with a horrible cold/cough that’s trying to kill me slowly. Having friends come and visit mine and Ben’s is always a joy, cheese boards, crap TV and snacks is how we entertain.

Also Me and my Beautiful Best friend got matching promise rings for each other, new life partner….

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Filed under Film, love