Daily Archives: December 31, 2011

This Year..

This Year has been full of ups and downs, I’ve learnt so much about myself and other people, I’m in better place for myself personally then I was at the start of the year and that is down to being challenged throughout 2011.

I’ve got a new job that I love, I’ve moved in with my Boyfriend, and I have some of the Best friends a girl could ask for.

  • Ben went away for 3 months this year, he had the best time, and I found out I’m still fine on my own and it reminded me I don’t need to rely on anyone but myself… How very Beyoncé of me.
  • I got to see Paris.
  • I’ve made New great friends, and found out how important and amazing the friends that matter are.
  • I made a Big step personally my moving out of the family home and into the flat with Ben, and I have loved it.
  • Getting a new job that I love, and a summer job that was challenging but great fun.
  • Starting University is one of the biggest highlights of the year for me, I’m proud of myself for getting in and so far I’m enjoying learning and being in education again after 4 years out of it. 

Plus so much more happening that I can’t fit in or don’t really want to dwell on.. This year has been a mixed bag, lets hope 2012 is just as challenging but rewarding.

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