Monthly Archives: October 2011

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I’ve had a couple of excellent weeks, seeing some of the best people. CTW fest was so good, and Margate seemed nice (albeit the area we were in was?!), obviously from the pictures above you can see I have enjoyed many good meals.. mexican night and the fruit salad we made were a highlight. University is yet again keeping me super busy, but I’m really proud of myself and the way I’ve been juggling the work given…let’s hope I keep it up!

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Filed under fashion, Film, love, Music

Hopefully Next Year…

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A few photos from this week..

Hello! I’ve been really lazy with posting recently, I’ve been super busy with University and work. Uni is amazing so far, I’m learning so much already- I’m a bit worried my brain will give up on me with all the new information it’s taking in- and Work is also brilliant, SOOO many lovely things in at the moment, Including a pair of chanel pumps I desperately tried to fit my feet in..but to no avail.

 I need to get into the swing of things with workloads heading my way, but I will try my best with keeping this little site up to date.

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Filed under Film, Handbags, love, Wardrobe

Surprise bobble prezzie from Ben! Thank youuuuuu

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Filed under fashion, love

Boardwalk Empire

Me and Ben started watching this the other day and we can’t stop watching it. SO GOOD! I was in no doubt I would enjoy it, set in the 1920s the costumes would be enough to keep me entertained, but the story lines, attention to detail, character build up, Steve Buscemi and my new man crush Michael Pitt (oh wow..) makes this one of the best series I’ve seen. Please don’t let season 2 be a let down..

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Filed under Antiques, fashion, love, Vintage, Wardrobe

Frasier and Niles Crane, I Love you Very Much..

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